Drive less and use alternatives like walking, biking, public transportation or carpooling when possible.

Drive less or not at all. Reducing the amount you drive, especially alone, can significantly lower your carbon footprint from transportation.

Drive less or not at all. Reducing the amount you drive, especially alone, can significantly lower your carbon footprint from transportation.

Make your home more energy efficient with weatherstripping, insulation, and energy efficient appliances.

 Use energy efficient lightbulbs. Replacing traditional incandescent bulbs with LEDs can significantly reduce a home's energy use from lighting.

 Turning down the heat in winter and up in summer, even a few degrees, can result in meaningful energy and emissions savings.

Replace appliances with energy star options. From refrigerators to washers and dryers, more efficient appliances use less energy and last longer.

 Plant trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store the carbon, helping to offset emissions.

Avoid excess packaging. Look for unpackaged or minimally packaged products when possible to reduce waste.

Talk to friends and family about climate change. Raising awareness of the issue and how everyday actions can help is important for driving broader solutions.