Perfectionists have high expectations, causing anxiety as they constantly strive to meet or exceed them, fearing failure or criticism

perfectionists tend to postpone tasks in order to steer clear of any potential flaws, which ultimately leads to heightened levels of stress

Perfectionists tie self-worth to achievements, making them prone to low self-esteem when expectations aren't met

 Perfectionists often find themselves trapped in the fear of being judged or falling short of their own lofty standards

Exhaustion can creep in when individuals relentlessly strive for perfection, pushing themselves beyond their limits. 

Dr. Darshi highlights how perfectionism can negatively impact relationships by placing unrealistic expectations on others

Extreme fear of failure prevents perfectionists from embracing new challenges, stunting personal and professional growth.

Perfectionism can harm mental well-being, leading to higher stress, anxiety, and lower self-worth, which can worsen or trigger depression.

Over time, the accumulation of anxiety, stress, and self-criticism can severely impact mental well-being, leading to depression.

Perfectionists should prioritize self-care and acknowledge that it's perfectly fine to not be flawless constantly.